Code of Ethics

Holding Ourselves Accountable In Order To

Advance The Profession

As members of the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado, Inc. (PPIAC), we each share a responsibility for maintaining inviolate the integrity and trust of the Private Investigator’s profession. In discharging this responsibility, therefore, we mutually pledge ourselves to the Code of Ethics listed below.

Section 1.

We will extend the effectiveness of our profession by cooperating with other investigators and related professionals by the exchange of information and experience, so long as the interests of our clients or employers are not violated.

Section 2.

We will not advertise our work, skill or merit in an unprofessional or misleading fashion and will avoid all conduct or practice likely to discredit or do injury to the dignity and honor of our profession.

Section 3.

We will, when the appropriate opportunity presents itself, explain to the public the role of our profession in the furtherance of the administration of justice.

Section 4.

We will not knowingly violate any right or privilege of any individual citizen which may be guaranteed or provided by the United States constitution, any state constitution, or the laws of the state and federal governments or any subdivision thereof.

Section 5.

We will make all our reports based upon truth and fact and will only express honest opinion based thereon.

Section 6.

We will not disclose, relate or betray in any fashion that trust or confidence placed in us by either client, employer or associate, without his consent.

Section 7.

We will not suggest, condone or participate in any fashion or degree, for any purpose whatsoever, entrapment.

Section 8.

We will refrain from accepting an assignment or employment if a personal conflict of interest lies therein.

Section 9.

We will deal fairly and equitably with our client or employer, and will clearly explain our duties and the basis for our charges in undertaking such duties.

Section 10.

We will guard against employing those techniques, or utilizing such equipment or devices, that may threaten the life, limb or safety of another.

Section 11.

We will not allow personal feelings or prejudices to interfere with factual and truthful disclosures on the assignments in which we have been employed or consulted.

Section 12.

We will further an honest and legitimate manner of operation and will preserve a client’s confidence beyond the term of employment of any private detective, investigator, or other employee. We will not accept other employment which involves the disclosure or use of such confidences whether for the private advantage of the member or his employees, or to the disadvantage of the client without his knowledge and consent even though there may be other available sources of information.

Section 13.

We will respect the rights of our clients and refrain from divulging information to newspapers or other publications in the protection of our clients and will work to prevent interference in the administration of justice or a fair trial in the courts.

Section 14.

We will endeavor to provide the opportunity, education and skill for the professional development and advancement of investigators in the profession.

Section 15.

We will not directly or indirectly injure the professional reputation, prospects or practice of another investigator. However, if we consider that an investigator has acted in an unethical, illegal, or unfair practice or design, we will present the information to the Ethics Committee of the PPIAC for investigation and action.

Section 16.

We will uphold and never abuse the principle of appropriate and adequate compensation for those engaged in investigative work.

Section 17.

We will not criticize another investigator’s work except in the proper forum for technical discussion and criticism.

Section 18.

We will not compete illegally with other investigators in the solicitation of work. If we become aware of another investigator’s illegal solicitation of work, we will then no longer be a party to another’s improprieties.

Section 19.

We will not engage in the unauthorized practice of law.

Section 20.

We will not solicit clients on behalf of an attorney.

Section 21.

We will avoid compensation controversies with fellow members by using some form of written agreement or letter which will state terms or fees as agreed upon by both parties. At all times, we will remember that the private investigator/detective business is a profession and all financial dealings with clients should be handled on that basis. We understand that a private detective or investigator should accept no compensation, commission, rebate or other advantage from others without the knowledge and consent of his client. If necessary, we may resort to the courts to prevent injustice, imposition, or fraud.

Section 22.

We will labor diligently and unceasingly to elevate the standard practices of our association members, and will not tolerate unscrupulous invasion of our business contracts with clients by any member who intrudes knowingly and willfully for his own private advantage or financial gain to the detriment and/or injury of another member.

Section 23.

We will promote and protect the interest of our fellow members and all members of the PPIAC having knowledge of any unlawful or unprofessional practices of any other member and will immediately inform the Association thereof so that disciplinary action may be taken.

Section 24.

We will strive to strengthen the membership of the PPIAC by selecting and approving for membership only those individuals qualified personally and professionally and whose business operations are conducted in an honest and legitimate manner.

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