Policy & Procedure

Providing Guidelines To Remain

Professional and Accountable

Our policy and procedures outline the requirements for achieving and maintaining membership status, as well as how the organization itself operates. Please read carefully and feel free to consult this list at any time.

1.01 Prospective Members.

All applicants shall be at least 21 years old. All applications for membership must be made on the Association membership application to the Vice President of Membership. Each application must be fully completed and accompanied by the first year’s annual dues as determined by the Board. Members conducting background investigations for PPIAC are to be reimbursed for background investigations to cover the actual costs of such checks as deemed adequate per background investigation, not to exceed $50. The prospective member’s name will be posted on the PPIAC list serve at least 5 days prior to the Board vote on acceptance. The background investigation shall include, but not be limited to: Full legal name, birth name, all former names/aliases, verification of social security number, date of birth, former addresses, arrest records, criminal convictions, civil litigation, business and professional licenses, and professional associations. The Board will review the background investigation and vote to accept, deny or request additional information. Applicants will be notified in writing and/or via email of acceptance or the denial of his/her membership application by the PPIAC Board Chair, and/or President within ten business days. Applicants who are denied may address the Board and present for consideration additional information. After the applicant addresses the Board, he/she will be notified in writing and/or via email of the Board’s decision. If approved, an announcement will be made at the next general monthly meeting and will be posted to the membership. Past members whose membership has lapsed more than one year will be required to reapply for membership.

1.02 Denial of Applications for Membership.

A) Felony Conviction

A conviction of any felony crime in any state is grounds for denial of an application for membership at any level. Mitigating facts or circumstances may be submitted by the applicant as part of the application and may be considered by the Board of Directors; however, in no case will mitigating factors be considered for criminal conviction involving violence leading to serious bodily harm, offenses against children, or firearms except for cases involving clemency, Alford pleas, and/or expungement, which will be evaluated by the Board on a case-by-case basis.

B) Misdemeanor Conviction

A conviction for any misdemeanor offense may be grounds for denial of an application for membership at any level. A conviction for any un-classified misdemeanor may also be grounds for denial of an application for membership at any level, if such conviction demonstrates a pattern of conduct deemed detrimental to the best interests of the PPIAC.

C) Falsification of Application Information

An application that includes key information that is determined to be false, either intentionally or by omission, may be grounds for denial of an application for membership. Such key information includes, but is not limited to, the name of the applicant, educational or professional credentials, civil or criminal history – (whether such a conviction or plea has been sealed or not), licensing or insurance status (where applicable.)

D) Other Circumstances

It is the sense and intent of the Policies and Procedures of the PPIAC with respect to membership applicants that any factor or circumstance not specifically set forth herein that could be detrimental to the best interests of the PPIAC may be considered as weighing against acceptance.

E) Notification of Denial

Board Chair and/or President will dispatch by U.S. Mail and/or via email a letter notifying an applicant that his or her application for membership has been denied. This letter will be sent within ten business days of the meeting at which the vote was taken. An explanation will be at the discretion of the Board Chair and/or President. Such letter will include notice that a refund of any membership fee paid as part of the application will be refunded under separate cover. The investigative fee will be retained by the Treasurer.

F) Appeal Process

Any person whose application for membership has been denied and who requests a hearing, may, at the Board’s discretion, be permitted to provide additional information or explanation. The Board then may decide to permit a re-application. In that event, the Board may require additional application fees.

1.04 Procedure for Change of Status in the Association.

Members seeking to upgrade their status from Associate to Senior or from Apprentice to Associate shall provide an approved affidavit of documented hours and a statement of verification to the Vice President of Membership for review. The Vice President of Membership shall review the application, consult with the member if necessary and present the application to the Board for approval. The member will be contacted by the Vice President of Membership to inform them of the approval or denial of upgrade. If the upgrade is denied, the member shall be informed in writing and/or via email that the application was denied. The member may then re-submit a new affidavit to provide clarification if needed.

1.05 Non-Discrimination.

No person shall be excluded from membership in the Association, and no member shall be deliberately discriminated against, in the course of Association activities, on the basis of sex (including sexual orientation or gender identity), race/ethnic background, economic status, age, disabilities, color, creed, national origin, or cultural or religious background.

1.06 Continuous Membership.

The Association may suspend, cancel, or at any time revoke the membership of any member for violations of the Associations bylaws, code of ethics or serious violations of criminal statutes. Such action is considered an interruption of continuous membership. A member may present a request in writing or via email for a “leave of absence” in which a non-voting membership shall remain continuous but payment of dues is suspended. Leaves of absence will be approved on a case by case basis by the Board.

1.07 Resignation.

A member may resign from the Association by submitting that intent in writing to the Vice President of Membership. The resignation means that the resigning member shall be considered a non-member and should that person desire membership again more than one year future; such member must reapply for membership. This person will then be required to resubmit all application materials and the appropriate application fees and dues. If the member elects to continue his/her membership within the one year time period from the date of resignation, the member may pay the appropriate dues and membership will be considered to be active and current. Re-submission of an application will not be required, or will be required, but Member must submit a statement that he/she has not been convicted of any misdemeanors or felonies during the previous five years.

1.08 Relevant Experience.

Relevant professional investigative experience, as required by the PPIAC By Laws, for membership consideration may include, but is not limited to, private investigations, law firm investigations, law enforcement investigations, security services, process serving, skip tracing, insurance SIU, certain military and legal experience, and other applicable experience as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.

2.01 Dues.

Each person accepted as a member of the Association will pay annual dues in an amount to be determined by the Board of Directors for each year. Annual dues will be payable on the anniversary date of membership from 2013 forward. Membership status will be considered delinquent 30 days after the member’s annual anniversary date. The delinquent member shall be notified by mail and/or email addressed to the member’s last known address. The former member’s name will be removed from the membership roster and mailing list. The former member may reapply for membership at any time by following the same procedures as a new applicant. Should the delinquent member notify the Board of Directors in writing, stating a reasonable cause for the delinquency and pay the appropriate dues, the Board of Directors may vote on reinstatement. If the Board of Directors elects to reinstate the member, the membership shall be considered continuous.

2.02 Lifetime Membership Award.

Lifetime memberships may be awarded to a senior member on the recommendation of the President for outstanding contributions to the Association over a period of time. The President will present the nominee for Lifetime membership for approval of the Board. Only one such membership may be awarded each fiscal year. Lifetime members will have voting privileges and no dues shall be required of them. Lifetime memberships may be revoked for violations of the Association’s By Laws, Code of Ethics, or Policies and Procedures as outlined in Bylaws Section Article XIV.

3.01 Advisory Council.

As required, an Advisory Council of at least three SENIOR members for the purpose of reviewing disciplinary actions will be appointed by the President or Board Chair for the purposes of any such review. Complaints will be submitted to the Council by the President in consultation with the Board of Directors. The Advisory Council shall review complaints and submit a written report of its findings to the President of the Board within 30 days of the commencement of the investigation. Discipline resulting from a decision of the Advisory Council may include a private or public reprimand or suspension or expulsion from the Association.

A written complaint must be filed with the President of the Board within 30 days of the first awareness that a possible violation has occurred. The complaint must provide a specific and detailed description of the alleged violation, together with supporting information and the identification of all participants and/or witnesses. The reporting party must have direct knowledge of the alleged violation. Third party complaints are not permitted.

In the event that grounds for discipline of a member exists, the following procedures shall be followed:

a) the member shall be given a fifteen (15) days notice of the proposed disciplinary action and the reasons therefore. The notice will be sent by first class or registered mail to the member’s last know address in the Association’s records;

b) the member shall be given the opportunity to present rebuttal, either orally or in writing, at least five (5) days before the effective date of the proposed action;

c) a hearing shall be held, or the written statement considered, by the Board, or by a committee or person authorized by the Board, to determine whether or not the member should be disciplined and the manner of discipline. The decision of the Board, committee or authorized person shall be final.

4.01 Records.

As of January 2, 2003, the PPIAC will maintain a complete and accurate record of all member files. Such member records will be maintained so long as an individual is a member of the PPIAC and for a period of three years thereafter. Each member’s record will be maintained in a separate file. Membership files shall be the property of the PPIAC and in the custody of the Vice President of Membership at all times. Upon election/appointment of a new Vice President of Membership, applicable files will be transferred to the newly-elected/appointed vice-president for custody and review as to retention or destruction.

4.02 Applications.

Applications may be held in electronic format, maintained by the Vice President of Membership. A separate affidavit attesting to the applicant’s experience and an acknowledgement of having read and understood by the applicant shall be signed, and submitted in electronic form and maintained by the Vice President of Membership.
“In submitting my application to the Association, I swear/affirm that the information I provided in my application is true and correct, including hours of experience, and that the information I have provided may be verified by the association at any time.
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the organization’s bylaws, policies and procedures, and code of ethics, and agree to abide by the same.”

5.01 Use of Board Position.

Current Board members shall not use their position on the Board in any advertising for personal business except for resumes and/or curriculum vitae.

5.02 Compensation and Expenses.

Members of the Association shall serve without pay. The Board of Directors may allow a member actual and necessary expenses of Association business.

6.01 Elections.

Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting held in November. Vote shall be by secret ballot. If the slate of officers and directors is uncontested, the President may solicit a motion that the slate be accepted by acclamation. If more than one candidate is running for any office, vote shall be taken for that office by secret ballot of the eligible voting members. A voting period of five days will begin at midnight following the membership meeting at which the items to be voted upon were presented. Voting, if required, will be by electronic ballot. The term of office for the PPIAC Board Chair shall be from 2020 to 2023, to place this alternating schedule of office in effect.

6.02 Nominating Committee.

The President shall appoint a nominating committee of three members within three (3) months of the annual business meeting. Two members shall be from the Board of Directors and the third member shall be a senior member. Nominations will be taken from the membership and solicited by the Nominating Committee. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall present the slate of nominees to the President at the October meeting. Voting on the slate of nominees will occur at the annual business meeting in November. The qualifications for eligibility may be suspended for Senior members in order to fill Board positions that cannot be filled by qualified candidates. Associate members may be eligible for Board positions, with the exception of Board Chair, President, and Vice President of Membership, in the event that no Senior members can be found to fill these positions.

7.01 Financial Review.

The President shall appoint two senior members, one Board member and one non-Board member to the review committee. The Treasurer shall submit the books of the Association for the past year, which will include but not be limited to checks, invoices and other pertinent documents for the review committee to review. The review committee will review the books and prepare a written report to the president of the Association as to the finding of their review, who will then pass on the report to the Board for review. If additional review information is needed, the request for information shall come from both members of the review committee.

7.02 Expenditures and Disbursements.

The Treasurer shall make payment to any valid receipt or invoice and accompanying documents, if necessary, to validate the receipt or invoice. Any reimbursement to the Treasurer must be approved by the President and one other Board member. Reimbursements for any PPIAC member in excess of $1,000 must first be approved by the Board.

8.01 Executive Session.

An Executive or “Closed” session may only be called at a regular or special meeting of the Board by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the quorum present. Executive sessions should be noted on the agenda for all meetings whenever possible. The Chair, President, or presiding Board member must announce, and the minutes reflect, one of the following topics of discussion for a valid Executive session:

1. Membership Issues

2. Conferences concerning ethics violations

3. Confidential matters pursuant to State and/or Federal law

Minutes should reflect the topic of discussion, the time Executive session opened, and the time it adjourned. Minutes should be kept during Executive session in the same format as the minutes of the regular meeting. Minutes will be kept for 90 days and then destroyed. No formal action (vote) may be taken while in Executive session.

9.01 Board Meetings.

All voting members of PPIAC may attend, but not participate in, Board meetings.

10.01 Service of Process Upon The Association.

Service of Process upon the Association (PPIAC) shall be made only upon a current member of the Board of Directors in accordance with the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure as they apply to Colorado corporate entities. The Board member accepting such service must, by the most immediate and appropriate means, notify the President of the service of process.

Upon notification, the President shall:

1. Notify any and all members of the Association, who are named in the service of process, as soon as is practical.

2. Notify the full Board of Directors of the service of process, as soon as is practical.

3. Take any action the President deems necessary, including (but not limited to) the calling of a special meeting of the Board, in order to respond to the service of process as may be required.

11.01 Legal Representation

In the event of the need for legal representation for the association, the board of directors will agree on the legal representative and the person who will communicate with that legal representative will be the Chair of the Board. In the absence of the Chair of the Board the liaison will be the President. In the event of the absence of both the Chair of the Board and the President, the liaison will be a board member, agreed upon by the board of directors.

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